Green Web Foundation

The Green Web Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting a sustainable and fossil-free internet by 2030. Founded in 2008, the foundation focuses on accelerating the shift toward renewable energy within the digital sector by tracking the energy sources powering websites and digital services. It provides the world's largest open dataset of websites that use green energy, along with tools and resources for individuals and businesses to reduce their digital carbon footprint.

Key initiatives of the Green Web Foundation include:

  • Green Web Check: An open-source tool that allows users to verify whether a website is powered by renewable energy.
  • Open Dataset: Maintaining a publicly accessible list of green-hosted websites, enabling transparency and accountability in the digital ecosystem.
  • Advocacy and Education: Supporting leaders, policymakers, and organizations in adopting sustainable practices to minimize the environmental impact of digital services.

The Green Web Foundation collaborates with various stakeholders, including web hosts, data centers, and tech companies, to drive the digital sector toward sustainability and reduce carbon emissions associated with the internet.


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