Scope 1

Scope 1 emissions are direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from sources that are owned or controlled by a company. This includes emissions from the combustion of fuels in company-owned boilers, furnaces, and vehicles, as well as emissions from chemical production in owned or controlled process equipment. Accurately accounting for Scope 1 emissions is essential for organizations to understand their direct impact on climate change and to develop effective strategies for emission reduction.

Key aspects of Scope 1 emissions include:

  • Stationary Combustion: Emissions from fixed sources such as boilers, furnaces, and turbines.
  • Mobile Combustion: Emissions from company-owned vehicles and other mobile equipment.
  • Fugitive Emissions: Unintended emissions from equipment leaks, such as refrigerants or methane from pipelines.

Understanding and managing Scope 1 emissions enable companies to directly control and reduce their GHG footprint, contributing to broader environmental sustainability goals.


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